25 September 2009

The Dhows of Nungwi

Nungwi is on the northern tip of the main Zanzibar island. Although prime real estate of the beach are occupied by enormous 200+ room luxury resorts (filled predominantly by Italian tourists), it's actually a traditional dhow building village. Dhows are traditional Arab sailing vessels.


The beaches of Nungwi were dotted with dhows either being built or repaired.

"Spirit of Africa"-
Spirit of Africa
Dhow Repairs

Some were beautifully painted.

Despite all the tourists, Nungwi is still a conservative Muslim fishing village.

Drying nets-
Nets Drying

Boats and nets-
Boat and Net

And of course, the euro speedos and bikinis don't exactly go over too well in the conservative villages. Constant reminders are needed I guess, hah!
No Skin

There's something serene about watching dhows set sail. I can't even imagine all the hours of labor that went into ensuring it's seaworthy.

Fishermen on dhows setting sail at sunset-
Setting Off
Watching the Dhows

Maasai and Dhow-
Maasai and Dhow

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