09 May 2008

Beware of Falling Iguanas

Meet my village host/guide in Blue Creek, Fidel.
Fearless Guide

While in Blue Creek, Fidel took me up the river to go iguana spotting. Apparently when iguanas get startled, they dive-bomb from the trees above into the river. Nothing like having a 6 foot lizard that weighs ~25 lbs. give or take coming straight for your head. It actually sounds like a village practical joke- wait for someone to come walking by, shake a tree a little bit and they'll be sporting an iguana hat, hah!

So Fidel actually brought along a snorkling mask to spot the iguanas in the water. I don't think I've seen someone move so silently in the water and be able to hold their breath as long as he was able to.
Snorkling for Iguanas
Unbelievably enough, he found AND caught one under water. Definitely a sign of a good guide.
Got One
Even harder to believe, iguanas are vegetarians! With talons like these, are you kidding me?
All These Talons, but Vegetarian?
Iguana up close
Playing dead after being released.
So next time you're in iguana-country and you hear a crashing sound, don't be startled.

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