11 June 2007

The more serious side of Nigerian villages...

While the sounds of children of laughing and playing are really common in the village, life isn't quite that simple or easy. Working in the fields all day and preparing meals for up to 2 dozen people is demanding work.

After taking bucket showers for the past week, I can definitely vouch for the the luxury of running water. Seems like there's always a neverending march with buckets and pots to the well for water.
Jug in shadows

In addition to water, I can't imagine having to cook by fire every single day. That's a lot of firewood to be gathered for every meal.
Donkey carrying wood

Religion plays a HUGE part in the lives of most Nigerians, not just those living in the villages. The following man and boy are memorizing the Koran outside the village mosque.

Older Koran student

Koran student

The plastic kettles are also common among muslim communities. After praying, one is expected to wash.

Blue plastic kettle

Some villages are Christian... Boy eating a mango with the New Testament.

Mango and bible

I just happened to be in the right place at the right time for these shots.

Baby on back

Working mom

One in the light, another in the shadows
One in light, another in the shadows

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Terry, these pictures are amazing. I'm so glad you're posting your thoughts and these images!!