03 July 2008

The Hard Lives of Indian Dogs

If life is difficult for the billion or so Indians, you can only imagine what life is like for the street dogs. Even though many have "owners", it's still rough fending for food, territory, and navigating traffic. The other day I even saw a dog get beaten in front of a "prevention of cruelty to animals" collection bin and an upscale pet shop- oh, the all to typical irony of India.

With the summer heat, a lot of time is spent:
Cooling off in the shower-
In the Shower
Indian sewer water + wet dog = "What the hell is that smell???!!!"
Smells Like a Wet Dog?
Sleeping in the temple-
Temple Nap
Sleeping in the gateway-
Entryway nap
Under the bed and dreaming-
Under the Bed and Dreaming

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