30 July 2008

Welcome to Dharamsala/McCleod Ganj

Monk on Roof

Greetings from McCleod Ganj, home of the Tibetan government in exile as well as the Dalai Lama. McCleod Ganj has plenty of "M" words-

Mischievous monkeys-
Mountain Monkey

Majestic mountains-
Bhagsu Waterfall

And of course... plenty of monks-
Chatting on the Bench
With an Umbrella

Without a doubt, the monks are some of the friendliest, most open holymen I have ever come across. We had a nice conversation and eventually went into town for a hot cup of butter tea (which incidentally, tastes exactly like how it sounds). The monkeys, however, are nowhere near as hospitable. They're actually downright nasty and completely unafraid of people. Which is why the monk carries around a slingshot (if you look closely you can see them quickly fleeing in terror like the tree rats they are, hah!). I guess "compassion" doesn't exactly extend to monkeys.
Monk Armed with Slingshot

Prayer wheel in the town stupda- One is supposed to turn the wheels while walking in a clockwise direction for prayers.
Spinning the Prayer Wheel

And of course, prayer flags streaming everywhere so that the wind can catch the prayers.
Streaming Prayer Flags
Flags and Clothes

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