14 May 2006

Deep Thoughts from the Piano Man

This weekend was my sister's graduation at Syracuse University (woo-hoo! now go get a paycheck, hah!). The commencement speaker was non other than the piano man himself, the one and only Billy Joel!
Billy Joel screen

To sum up his speech for you, here are his deep thoughts...

"You should do what you love. 'Cause if you do that, you'll be good at it, and you'll be loving what you do."

These are truly inspirational words to live by. But the piano man redeemed himself and sung a song with the audience. Definitely the highlight of the ceremony, beats any of the other canned speeches. I couldn't make this up if I tried, you can read the AP press release here. Deep down inside, I was secretly hoping Billy Joel would come screeching up to the stadium like a bat out of hell, crash through the gates, and take out a section or 2 of chairs and stumble on the way up to the podium. It could have happened...
Billy Joel far

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