16 May 2006

More more scenes from Calcutta

So the majority of photos that I've posted so far have been from my digital point and shoot camera. A couple of weeks and $400 in processing/scanning costs later, I finally got the film back from my other 2 cameras. Woo-hoo! I'm glad I dragged 3 cameras around everywhere.

Calcutta was another one of those places in India that I loved to photograph. Not sure what's up with all the "Love", but looking back through my photos, there were definite signs everywhere!
Love posters
Love taxi

Calcutta alleyway
Sleeping rickshaws
Under the hood

Goat herds where everywhere, the Muslim area was very close to Sudder street so they were probably someones dinner.
Goat walkby
Goat roundup

This is what happens when kids pester you to take photos of them. They don't smile, and then after you take their photo, they follow you down the street for a half a block asking for rupees! I would have played cricket with them if I didn't have all my expensive camera around my neck.
Cricket playing buddies

Plenty of street bathing and water collecting, since water pumps were all over Calcutta...
Street pump
... as well as board games. Plenty of people dragging games outdoors and inviting all their friends to come and play.
Board games anyone?

This is just plain crazy, how this guy didn't electrocute himself let alone find the right wire to repair I'll never know.
Electrical repairs

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