10 May 2006

Funny signs from around Varanasi

In Atlanta right now for STOP training with the WHO/CDC. Since photos from inside an auditorium of powerpoint slides and random people speaking aren't really all that interesting (zzz...), I'm digging through the archives for the time being.

I'm speechless, I really am. Maybe it's the tight underwear that's causing some of the Indian men to grope foreign women. For those of you who can't read the sticker, they're bacterial resistant briefs! Woo-hoo, that's exactly what I worry about when underwear shopping!
Underwear assault

Must be a really special gourd...
Security gourds

This is how they got rid of the exhaust from the generators. Funny as it looks, I guess it makes sense to use an auto muffler and exhaust.
Exhaust for the generator

Aum Sweet Aum

Who is this Tirtha Purohit, an insurance salesman?
Watch your 6

Ok, this didn't come from India, it came with my Dell laptop that I just ordered. Man, I hope this was supposed to be some sort of joke. Ok, I'm all for public safety and all, but this is just plain ridiculous. If you need some sort of warning to not put a plastic bag over your head, please keep your genes out of the breeding pool. Seriously. I've seen Indian toddlers survive navigating on streets with speeding cars, open sewers, rabid dogs, and broken glass, but we need a warning on plastic bags?!
Dell laptop plastic

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