01 April 2006

Scenes from Kolcutta and the "special" line

You have to hand it to the Indian Railways. I actually really like taking the trains around India. They're easy to ride, and I can actually get a good nights sleep on them. BUT... I don't know what they're thinking when they created a "special" line for tourists. Ok, granted they gave us nice comfortable chairs to sit down in, in plain view of the Indian reservation lines.

Railroad tickets

You see, Indian lines are a nasty, competitive affair where foreigners, old ladies, and other defenseless folks get knocked out of the way. They're notorious for line cutters. I usually throw a reservation form at a railroad agent with one hand, and stick my other forearm in the chests of impatient Indians who think it's their god-given right not to wait in line (somehow its socially acceptable to both cut in line and dish out physical punishment to those who do it... don't ask me why).

So I was impressed by this "special" tourist line, but little did I know...
You see, there are 5 agents working. It took 2(!) to help the Indian couple who look like they always have seconds on naan and curry (photo above) for 45 minutes. 45 minutes! 2 agents?! What gives? Isn't this the special TOURIST line?! And apparently, it's one agents job to pass out numbers and reservations forms. That's it... Just pass out numbers and forms. Yeah, there was a lot of competition for that government job. Hate to see who failed the job application test. I got there at 12:30, the other 2 agents go on lunchbreak at 1pm. Of course, they go on break one number before mine. Grrr...

Here's the truth about the real Indian reservations lines and line cutting and pushing- IT WORKS. It's effective. You get what you want faster than this stupid "special" tourist's line. If the Indian couple was in the "real" line, someone would have walked up and shoved them out of the way after 5 minutes. I will never complain about the "real" Indian railroad reservation lines again.

Ok, no more ranting and raving... here are some scenes from Kolcutta.

Rusted cab

Rickshaw driver

Yes, Kolcutta is a major metropolitan city, but there are still animals everywhere.
Goat Jam

Someone actually took a magic marker and gave "clothes" to all actresses on movie posters.
Too much skin poster

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